7+1 (blend) – whole beans


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In this blend, seven Arabica coffee bean varieties, selected from the best that can be found on the market, are blended with a specially selected Robusta coffee variety from India. The result is a perfectly harmonious, well-balanced blend. Compared to the “10 + 1” Blend, this blend has a higher percentage of Robusta coffee beans, thus resulting in a stronger taste and a denser body.

This blend belongs to the Piansa blend Line, comprising coffee blends obtained from the harmonious combination of a large number of selected and high-quality varieties of coffee, which are hand-picked from the best coffees available on the market and perfectly fit together, exalting each other’s qualities. Given that each variety has its own distinctive features, and hence its own optimal processing needs, each of them is individually roasted. The varieties included in the blend is listed on the package label.


70% arabica (Salvador SHG, Colombia Supremo 18+, Costarica SHB, Guatemala SHB, S. Domingo Barahona AAA, Etiopia Sidamo GR 2, Santos NY 2) – 30% robusta (Kaapi Royale)


This blend results in the most classical Italian espresso coffee; it is recommend for those who look for top quality in a traditionally-tasting coffee. It is characterized by a creamy texture, a bold flavor and yet a finely balanced acidity.

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Etiopia, India, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Repubblica Domenicana


250 Gr, 500 Gr, 1 Kg